My esoteric thoughts on science, philosophy, literature, and cognition as they relate to open access education

  • Spencer Goad, Music Teacher and Capoierista
    Bem-Vindo (welcome, in Portuguese), Spencer Lagosta (capoiera nickname), an enthusiastic and motivating capoierista and music teacher in the public school system. He is growning a capoeira school around which a …
  • If you’re good at something, never do it for free?
    Talk about complex sources of wisdom. If the reader will excuse a bit of adolescent humor, I recently learned about Ikigai, and one of the venn circles of overlap is …
  • New Board Member of Oregon School-Based Health Centers
    I am honored to be selected to be on the board for OSBHA, and was invited to participate in my first meeting this week! One small concrete step towards how …
  • Sincere Irony, and apparent paradoxes
    Shall a person be flexible or firm? Is it better to explore or exploit? Science is better than art! Are these questions ill motivated? Any particular strategy to living will …
  • Time Banking, better than Wells Fargo!
    I’ve talked before about how all currencies are fundamentally social constructions that function as trust tokens or “units of caring“. As with anything constructed, we get to institute it according …
  • Success Paradox, or Useful Delusions?
    My name is Keevin and I’m a recovering libertarian who used to love Ayn Rand after reading The Fountain Head. Previously, unexamined “Freedom” was the most important value to me. …
  • An Architecture of Motivation?
    Most of human morals have been generated ad hoc based on limited knowledge of the human organism, be it biologically, psychologically, intellectually, emotionally, or socially. Certainly, we have stumbled upon …
  • Contextualism
    Among our many awesome though limited survival heuristics is the binary bias. We tend to want to discretely categorize information into binaries. This has shown up in our institutions of …
  • Functional Neurologic Disorders, Disorders that work?
    We all to some degree acknowledge that stress influences how we feel, and to some degree that its manifestations can be occult or indirect. However, many symptoms of distress can …
  • Half Assed Attempts as Proof of Failure
    As a counter to calls for increased public funding for social programs, I frequently hear “Throwing government money at the problem never solved it, so why should we throw more?”. …