We are exploring the concept of a 24/7/365 safe space for our communities’ children by having conversations with relevant domain experts and building a network of inspired motivated people.
- Purpose
- adverse childhood events can contribute to a lifetime of suboptimal health through a plethora of mechanisms. Some of these are “diseases of lifestyle”, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, which can be challenging to treat due to poor coping skills acquired as a result of trauma. The current model of medical delivery, public health, and the diverse social safety nets in the USA is inadequate, patchwork, and geographically sparse. Thus, achieving wellness is quite challenging
- Premise
- Imagine a 24/7/365 open door access to a system of community based integrated institutions that would provide wrap around services for all people ages birth to 18 years, most services co-located.
- Consider how this could more optimally support the physical, psychologic, physiologic, educational, and emotional needs of a population. All provided at no out of pocket cost to recipients.
- Imagine, for example, that public schools could fill this role, and imagine universal day care from infancy
Investing in our children, to perpetuate intergenerational transfer of information, skills, and culture, will pay large dividends that pale the upfront cost.
The blog is to help clarify my esoteric thoughts that seem relevant to this project, comments and critiques are welcome.

Conversations (most recent first) / (earliest first)
- If you’re good at something, never do it for free?Talk about complex sources of wisdom. If the reader will excuse a bit of adolescent humor, I recently learned about Ikigai, and one of the venn circles of overlap is …
- New Board Member of Oregon School-Based Health CentersI am honored to be selected to be on the board for OSBHA, and was invited to participate in my first meeting this week! One small concrete step towards how …
- Sincere Irony, and apparent paradoxesShall a person be flexible or firm? Is it better to explore or exploit? Science is better than art! Are these questions ill motivated? Any particular strategy to living will …
- Time Banking, better than Wells Fargo!I’ve talked before about how all currencies are fundamentally social constructions that function as trust tokens or “units of caring“. As with anything constructed, we get to institute it according …
- Success Paradox, or Useful Delusions?My name is Keevin and I’m a recovering libertarian who used to love Ayn Rand after reading The Fountain Head. Previously, unexamined “Freedom” was the most important value to me. …
- An Architecture of Motivation?Most of human morals have been generated ad hoc based on limited knowledge of the human organism, be it biologically, psychologically, intellectually, emotionally, or socially. Certainly, we have stumbled upon …
- ContextualismAmong our many awesome though limited survival heuristics is the binary bias. We tend to want to discretely categorize information into binaries. This has shown up in our institutions of …
- Functional Neurologic Disorders, Disorders that work?We all to some degree acknowledge that stress influences how we feel, and to some degree that its manifestations can be occult or indirect. However, many symptoms of distress can …
- Half Assed Attempts as Proof of FailureAs a counter to calls for increased public funding for social programs, I frequently hear “Throwing government money at the problem never solved it, so why should we throw more?”. …
- 24 hour child care enabling Utopian Feminism and fertilityI recently listened to a fascinating conversation with Amia Srinivasan, author of The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century. Her interviewer was quite concerned about declining fertility rates …