Ecosystems of Learning

The Diamond Age: A young Lady’s Primer by Neal Stephenson had a huge impact on me when I first read it. The protagonist is given an advanced tablet, enabled with …

Finding Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan‘s story is so illustrative of my motivation for this project. He was a self taught mathematics prodigy from  Erode, Madras born in 1887, who at 16 derived many as …

Ritualize Reality

“Routines are concrete repetitive actions that help us develop skills while creating continuity and order. Rituals are routines elevated by creativity, driven by intention, and imbued with meaning.” – Esther …

You are a Dividual

It’s funny how we can use a word seemingly forever without noticing that is a compound on some level. People are “Individuals”, in the sense that can’t be divided (much …

The Agalmic Future!

“The study and practice of the production and allocation of non-scarce goods.“ “”I work for the betterment of everybody, not just some narrowly defined national interest, Pam. It’s the agalmic …

An Algorithm for Humans?

I become quite excited when I see forward thinking about topics I’m passionate about, from sources that would otherwise surprise me. I have been listening to “Getting Smarter” Podcast as …

What’s it take it “Make It”

The current narrative containing the trope of get college degree-> retire, is not playing out. The employment marketplace requires people to “pay to play” with the 4 “Life Currencies“: Competency, …

Teachers do it for the $

How much do we as a society value the intergenerational transmission of information? How well do we compensate those doing the work? Are we attempting to hold educators responsible for …